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Zoe Empowerment Group Member Becomes Malawi Staff Intern

“I want to remind them [orphans in her community] to not see themselves as down. They should see themselves as high, that they can do whatever they want. Since I have suffered and changed, I want to encourage others to do the same.” ‒ Suki Makalani, 2015 graduate (Malawi) As a young child in rural […]

Rwanda Graduates Create Empowerment Training Center

“Before I joined Zoe Empowers, I use to complain to God, asking why he made me suffer.” said Samuel. “Now, I see what I would have lost if I would have given up. I would have missed so many things. I would not be here to help others.” ‒ Samuel, 2018 graduate of Zoe Empowers […]

The Multiplying Effect of Investing in Empowerment

“Before Zoe, I prayed to God, asking him to help me complete school. I made a promise to God that when I got a job I would help other children. When I was hired by the government, I made good on that promise.” ‒ Madeline, 2014 Graduate in Rwanda Even before she knew about the […]

Dignity is Found When Paying it Forward: From a Traveler’s Perspective

High in the hills, in a village of Rwanda, Jeanie, Cheryl, Katherine and I sat in a small and tidy house listening to the stories of how four young men’s lives had been transformed through Zoe.  Samuel, Emmanuel, Daniel, and Ernest each took turns sharing how desperate their lives used to be. Similar themes of […]

Children Bring Unity in the Name of Peace for Kenya

“Interaction gave a better understanding of each other’s side and this brought the first steps toward peace; simple things like eating and working together. People started to see there wasn’t hatred between the two groups.” ‒ Reegan Kaberia, Zoe Empowers Chief Program Officer. Violence, anger and hate crimes over a long-standing land dispute paint the picture […]

Fridah Turned Her Dream Into Reality

Fridah's dream chart in her hair salon

“When I look at my dream chart and think about when I first made it to now, it gives me a lot of happiness, a lot of peace and a lot of hope. It helps me remember that if I’m working hard, I can go really far.” ‒ Fridah, 2nd year Zoe Empowers member (Kenya) Social media […]

Antony Finds Strength in Generosity

Antony the butcher

“I’m so happy about where God has brought me, and I know there are many other children going through what I went through,” said Antony, now 24 years old. “I want to assist them so we can be empowered together.” On a hot, cloudless September day, outside the rural village of Thiraka, Kenya, four Zoe Empowers […]

How Fridah Became a Zoe Empowers Donor

Fridah becomes a donor

We asked why Fridah became a Zoe Empowers donor. She said, “I believe poverty is the behaviors, values and characters you’re forced into, like digging through garbage bins to find leftover food, being forced to dropout of school or not having a secure place to sleep at night. That took away my dignity. I want others to have the dignity I didn’t have.”