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Jones Learns to Forgive

When 23-year-old Jones thinks of his childhood, he remembers chaos and anger. His father was an alcoholic who terrorized the house with his drinking habits. Meanwhile, Jones’s mother, a skilled seamstress, tried to make ends meet for Jones and his younger siblings, Elisha and Avalina. Her income could afford food or school for her children, not both, and since she believed in education, the family often went hungry. 

Eventually, Jones’s mother grew tired of her husband’s erratic behavior and fled the house with her children. Jones’s father never attempted to find them, which was a source of relief and hurt for Jones. When his mother became disabled,  Jones dropped out of school. He found odd jobs hauling goods to nearby towns, mixed concrete, and fetched water.

As years passed, the family’s hardships worsened, and Jones became increasingly sad and depressed. At thirteen, he ran away from home. One of his mother’s friends found him in the city slum and offered him love and grace on the heels of an experience he considered to be among the lowest of his life. 

In 2019, Jones was introduced to Zoe Empowers Tanzania and joined the Lukudane “Love One Another” Group. Jones shared the story of his father’s alcoholism with his Zoe group facilitator and peers. Together, they learned about the importance of forgiveness, and Jones built up enough courage to seek out his father, who was remarried and living in another district. 

The first time Jones and his siblings approached him, their father was so drunk he didn’t recognize his children. Although discouraged, they tried again. The second meeting moved his father to tears. He couldn’t believe that his children still thought about him. They offered him forgiveness and restored the relationship. 

Jones with his father during their reunification.

The rekindled trust and love for his father gave Jones hope that other aspects of his life could change, too. With help from Zoe, Jones began selling t-shirts, which he sold walking up and down the streets. Within three months, he could afford to rent a space to open a grocery store. 

Renting a store was monumental to Jones. With more income came more meals. Before Zoe, Jones and his family sacrificed food to afford education. Through the support to start a business that he received from Zoe, the family eats three balanced meals daily, and Elisha and Avalina attend school. Elisha is interested in working in technology and is studying for her IT diploma.

Furthermore, the family learned to boil water for daily bathing and washing clothes. Jones’s mother, who was disabled from gout, couldn’t previously afford treatment, but with newly acquired health insurance, she gained access to care.

The more his life improved, the happier Jones became. He devoted himself to the empowerment group, taking on leadership roles and fostering connections within his church and community. He encourages other group mates to forgive their family members who have wronged them. 

And although his father has never apologized, Jones doesn’t hold a grudge, knowing the pain and grief he carried for years only weighed him down. 

“Forgiveness is important because, in most cases, it’s not for them; it’s for you,” Jones said. “When you do not forgive, you’re holding yourself from not reaching your full potential and experiencing other important things.”

Jones in front of his home.

Jones continued his entrepreneurial endeavors after graduating from the Zoe program in 2022. He opened a second retail space to sell movies, phone accessories, and electronics. He also set up a PlayStation 4 gaming system and rents time to community members to play popular games like FIFA. 

Today, Jones looks for ways to expand his support network. Recent examples include the adoption of his 19-year-old cousin, Neema. He also employs other young people in his community. He recently purchased a motorbike and rents it to a young man from the community, whom he is mentoring in starting a taxi business. 

Jones’s girlfriend encourages him to pursue his dreams but also isn’t afraid to challenge Jones with constructive feedback. He likes this about her. His experience with Zoe taught him to appreciate her independence and boldness. In the long-term, Jones dreams of becoming a mechanic and is studying the trade. 

Learning to love and accept the man who caused him immense pain wasn’t easy, but through the Zoe Empowers program, Jones found the courage to forgive his father. Along the way, he bloomed into a compassionate, savvy young businessman. 

Customers at Jones video store playing FIFA.