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Give a gift that matters to those who matter.

Filled with meaningful gifts for your friends and family, the gift catalog lets vulnerable children around the world know that someone believes in their ability to make their dreams come true.

For every gift, we provide the ability to send an electronic card to the person or group that inspired your gift. 

*Orders must be received by December 6th to guarantee a Christmas delivery.

“Rabbits may seem like a small thing but as they multiply so does my earnings to build my life. I am now the owner of a motor bike and a bull. It is not by my own strength, but from God.”
– Charles, Zoe Empowers Kenya

A gift of $10


Rabbits, with up to six litters a year, provide a steady income for vulnerable youth working toward self-reliance. This income helps cover basic needs like school materials, food, clothing, and medical care.

Maize Seed

Many youth in the Zoe Empowers program grow maize, a traditional staple in their diet. In their villages, maize-meal is a culinary staple and a reliable source of income.

“Zoe Empowers taught me that education is a light that allows us to see everything we want to see in this world.”
– Moses, Kenya

A gift of $25


Chickens are popular in the program due to their low cost and ease of care. A hen can lay up to 200 eggs per year, providing enough for youth-led families to eat and sell locally. Youth can also earn income by raising and selling chicks.

School Supplies

Vulnerable youth often drop out of school to work for food or because their families cannot afford fees and supplies. Early in the program, Zoe provides uniforms, fees, and supplies needed to re-enroll. By years two and three, families fund their school needs and those of their siblings through business profits.

“One goat has become five goats and 42 chickens. My dream is to finish college and serve orphans in my community. My father would be so proud of what I will be able to pass on some day.”
– Bert, Rwanda

A gift of $50

A Goat

Goats are easy to care for, thrive on otherwise unproductive land, and improve food security. One goat can produce up to a gallon of milk daily. Youth receive training on goat care and how to use them as a source of income.

Hairdresser Supplies

Hairdressing is a popular vocation for Zoe Empowers youth. After receiving training—sometimes from other Zoe graduates—aspiring hairstylists are provided with start-up kits that may include a sink, hair dryer, combs, and other supplies to launch their businesses.

“My blessings are so great that I cannot keep them for myself. My carpentry business has grown into a training center for youth in my community. My identity is no longer one of poverty but it is now in God.”
– Jean Claude, Rwanda

A gift of $100

Carpentry Tools

Having the right tools is essential for any youth who wants to start a new business. For aspiring carpenters, Zoe Empowers provides vocational training as well as hammers, saws, clamps, work gloves, and other tools necessary to repair homes and build furniture. Carpenters often assist their group members in home repairs and building.


While Zoe Empowers is religiously non-restrictive, spiritual strength is an essential part of Zoe’s program. Bibles may be given to participants soon after the group is formed or before attending revival meetings (this varies by country). Bibles are also used by group members during their weekly meetings. This gift level will provide ten Bibles.

“I sew clothing for my siblings and the orphans in my community. My family now wears the clothes we want to wear and not clothing donated to us by others.”
– Monica, Kenya

A gift of $250

Mechanic's Tools

Some Zoe Empowers participants train to become motorcycle or auto mechanics. This is a lucrative profession, allowing young people to provide for their families. After completing their training, Zoe provides them with the essential tools to start their new business.

Sewing Machine

Buying pre-made clothing is uncommon in many regions where Zoe Empowers works. Instead, people rely on tailors to make their clothing. Many youth in the program choose to become tailors and pursue vocational training. To start their business, they need one essential item: a sewing machine.

“My life changed after I received a cow. The income generated has expanded my other businesses and today I am building my dream house to help more orphans—that is the theme of Zoe Empowers.”
– Rachel, India

A gift of $500

Home Building Materials

Early in the program, empowerment group members assess each participant’s home for safety and stability. They identify those needing repairs or a completely new home. Zoe Empowers provides a grant for materials, and the group comes together to construct the home.

A gift of $1,000

Empower One Family

This funding covers a family’s three-year participation in the Zoe Empowers program, providing the training and resources needed for long-term success through education and business development. They will transform their lives and impact their community, assured they are not beyond God’s love.