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Kenya girl in shop

From a Beggar to a Boss

“The greatest thing Zoe Empowers has given to me is worthiness and pride.”

— Cecelia, Zoe Empowers Kenya


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Cecelia had a dream when she was living on the streets after her father passed away. To own a pair of shoes. If she had shoes, she would not be ashamed to attend church.

Cecelia and her mother along with her 5 younger siblings were living on the streets and doing any kind of work they could find but rarely were they paid what was owed to them. She remembers not having enough money to do her hair so instead she shaved her head. People teased her and called her a boy. The first time she had her hair done was when she went to ZOE’s vocational training to become a hairdresser.

When Cecelia joined a Zoe Empowers group she started with selling kerosine, eggs and bananas. She found it difficult to sell her goods because she so despised by her community they refused to purchase from her. Her first priority was to feed her siblings so she began growing food and tried to stay encouraged about the early days of her first business. This was the beginning of a turning point as she looks back, because after this time her family has never gone to bed hungry again.

When Cecelia had completed the requirements to earn her blanket and mosquito net from Zoe Empowers, it was the first time in her life she had a blanket to sleep with. When her Zoe Empowers group saw how many were in her family, they gave her 2 more blankets and 2 more nets. This action made her feel “so happy and loved for the first time by her community”.

Cecelia began the 5 month vocational training to become a hairdresser but because she had so many siblings to feed, she attended without a lunch each day. During the lunch break she often sat under a tree to hide her shame from the rest of the group. This was a very painful time for her but now it gives her strength to know she can make it through anything.

When Cecelia received her business start up kit, she began with only 5 packets of hair for
braiding. She eventually saved enough money to rent a small shop. Today, she sees at least 30 clients each day and employs 2 others from her community full time. She owns the largest hair salon in the area

Cecelia has also started a business selling maize and beans from a piece of rented land. She owns 2 cows and 15 chickens. Last season, her harvest had a profit of $700 USD. She says, “Because I now have food, I want others to have that also.”

Grace is Cecelia’s mother. In the past, other organizations would come and go and typically not finish what they promised. Grace prayed each night that Zoe Empowers hold to their word. She spent her days sweeping the floors of people in her community before Zoe Empowers and her dream was to have a home with her own tile floor to sweep.

“It makes me so happy to have my own tile to sweep. Each day as I clean the tiles in our home, I pray for Zoe Empowers to reach more children.” —Grace, Cecelia’s Mother

Cecelia believes that without Zoe Empowers, her family would be split apart. Instead, she is helping teach others about the model.

“ZOE has made my mind smarter. I was able to open a bank account and my savings has now grown to $1600. As I stand in line at the bank, I have confidence to do business with big people. Zoe Empowers has exposed me to what is possible.”